Out Of The Silence Choreography Project

We invite choreographers to write dances to go with tunes from all three of our Out of The Silence albums, original dance music composed during the pandemic. We are delighted to host a growing library of new dances here!

The last few years have led not only to a burst of tune writing activity, but also down the road of nostalgia and reflection. So we have expanded the concept of “New Dances” to include earlier dances written for our music. Each of our dance albums has a few original tunes, and Fresh From Dan’s Hall was our first compilation of original music by The Dancehall Players.

Dances are organized alphabetically by tune name. Click the dance title for a PDF of dance instructions that you can save or print, and click the tune title for a link to a recording of the tune that the dance was written to accompany.

See a list of our original tunes with accompanying choreography

Tune A Dream Of Dancing (Lael Whitehead)

Dance A Dream Of Dancing (Judee Schumacher-Pronovost)

Dance A Dream Of Dancing (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance A Dream Of Dancing (Simone Verheyen, 2021)

Dance Dancing The Dream (Neil Stuart, 2021)

Dance Dolphin Dream (Victoria Beauchesne, 2023)

Dance Pat's Recovery (Rob Dawson, 2022)

Dance We Will Dance Again (Lael Whitehead, 2020)

Tune April’s March (Ann Schau)

Dance The Holly Hedge (Charles Ryer, 2024)

Tune Annika’s Waltz (Ann Schau)

Dance Annika’s Road (Trevor Monson, 2013)

Tune Another Windswept Day (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Another Windswept Day (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Autumn Prayer (Lael Whitehead)

Dance Autumn Prayer (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance Bright Shining Sea (Rosemary Lach)

Dance Oranges and Lemons (Pat George)

Tune Budding Fig Tree (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Budding Fig Tree (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Clearing Skies Ahead (Ann Schau)

Dance Clearing Skies Ahead (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Dunsmuir Road Hornpipe (Gregory Brown)

Dance All Together Now (Cara King, 2021)

Dance Dunsmuir Road Hornpipe (Colin Hume, 2021)

Dance Dunsmuir Road Hornpipe (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Elegant Dancer (Keith Malcolm)

Dance The Elegant Dancer (Charlotte Hale, 2011)

Tune Faeries And Fools (Lael Whitehead)

Dance Robin Goodfellow (Cara King, 2018)

Tune Fair Winds And Following Seas (Karen McIvor)

Dance Fair Winds And Following Seas (Cara King, 2019)

Tune Farewell Jig (Lael Whitehead)

Dance Farewell Jig (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance Moving On (Trevor Monson, 2022)

Dance The Quizzical Physicist (Cara King, 2023)

Tune Flattening The Curve (Lael Whitehead)

Dance Flattening The Curve (Neil Stuart, 2021)

Dance Flattening The Curve (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune From A Distance (Lael Whitehead)

Dance From A Distance (Lael Whitehead, 2020)

Dance From A Distance (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Green Leaves Of Spring (Ann Schau)

Dance Green Leaves Of Spring (Robert Moir, 2021)

Dance Green Leaves Of Spring (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance Malden Waltz (Simone Verheyen, 2022)

Dance Drifting In The Wind (Susan Parkin, 2024)

Dance Gum Wrappers Drifting In The Wind (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Here’s To Dr. Bonnie (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Be Kind (Rosemary Lach)

Dance Here’s To Dr. Bonnie (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance Shirley's Surprise (Rob Dawson, 2022)

Tune I Must Be Away (Gregory Brown)

Dance I Must Be Away (Neil Stuart, 2022)

Dance I Must Be Away (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance In My Dreams (Susan Parkin, 2024)

Tune It's Positive To Be Negative (Keith Malcolm)

Dance It's Positive To Be Negative (Judee Schumacher-Provost)

Dance It's Positive To Be Negative (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Lotus Land Rambles (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Lotus Land Rambles (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Moss Rocks Lullaby / Prayer For Gaia (Karen McIvor/Ann Schau)

Dance Moss Rocks Lullaby / Prayer For Gaia (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Noonday Serenade (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Noonday Serenade (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance Pacific Heights (Neil Stuart, 2022)

Tune Quiet Days (Ann Schau)

Dance Quiet Days (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Red-Tailed Hawk (Lael Whitehead)

Dance A Real Gem! (Simone Verheyen, 2022)

Dance Flying High (Neil Stuart, 2021)

Dance Red-Tailed Hawk (Renée Camus, 2021)

Dance Red-Tailed Hawk (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Smoky Skies (Ann Schau)

Dance Smoky Skies (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Snowdrops (Lael Whitehead)

Dance Snowdrops for Rosemary (Trevor Monson, 2023)

Dance Snowdrops! (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Dance The Whites Of Spring (Neil Stuart, 2022)

Tune Sweet Lily (Gregory Brown)

Dance Famil(il)y Bonds (Neil Stuart, 2022)

Dance Sweet Lily (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune The Day Will Come (Lael Whitehead)

Dance The Day Will Come (Trevor Monson, 2021)

Dance The Day Will Come (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune The Sawyer’s Delight (Gregory Brown)

Dance The Sawyer’s Delight (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune The Stay At Home Blues (Ann Schau)

Dance Stay At Home Blues (Rosemary Lach)

Dance Staying At Home (Neil Stuart, 2021)

Dance The Stay At Home Blues (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Towards A New World (Ann Schau)

Dance Do It In Every Position (Trevor Monson, 2023)

Dance Towards A New World (Robert Moir, 2021)

Dance Toward A New World (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Twelfth Night At The Fireside (Karen McIvor)

Dance Twelfth Night At The Fireside (Cara King, 2019)

Tune Waiting For Spring (Ann Schau)

Dance Slipless In Seattle (Jim Wisnia, 2023)

Dance Waiting For Spring (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Wakin’ Up With The Birds (Keith Malcolm)

Dance Wakin’ Up With The Birds (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Tune Waltz For Jen (Lael Whitehead)

Dance A Whimsical Fancy (Neil Stuart, 2022)

Dance Waltz For Jen (Colin Wallace, 2024)

Watch a video interview with Ann Schau, and discover more dance content on the
Historical Tea & Dance Society YouTube channel

Dancehall Players laughing outdoors on Mayne Island